Tel : +33 2 96 22 92 03 - +33 6 38 90 23 81
Jean-Paul Le Mouhaer

Gîte le Rohel

1 bis Le Rohel - 22610 PLEUBIAN
GPS : 48.837776 (48°50'16" N) / -3.170335 (3°10'13" W)

From Saint Brieuc Take direction Paimpol. By GPS type in the place called “Le Rohel” or enter the coordinates (N 48° 50' 15.89'' / W 3° 10' 13.11'')
Take the “Lanvollon Paimpol” exit (ignore “Paimpol via the coast”).

In Paimpol (roundabouts), take the direction of Tréguier, at the “Point I” roundabout (Tourist Office) turn right towards Pleumeur-Gautier.

In Pleumeur-Gautier, take direction Kerbors. Pass through the square in front of the church, go 300 m and turn right towards Kerbors.

Go about 3 km to the crossroads, go straight and continue for about 1 km. The farm where we live is located on your left (place called: kerjacob in Pleubian).