Tel : +33 4 66 31 19 42 - +33 6 07 23 96 04

Gîte 3 étoiles et 3 épis, confort et charme en Lozère

Les Ducs - 48140 LE MALZIEU FORAIN
GPS : 44.871621 (44°52'18" N) / 3.403812 (3°24'14" E)

Highway A75 Clermont Ferrand - Montpellier
In the direction South North, exit 34 Saint Chély d'Apcher
In St-Chély d'Apcher, take direction Le Malzieu, Sauges, Le Puy en Velay by the D989.
In the Malzieu direction Saint Alban on Limagnole D4. (Do not go to St-Alban)
About 1 km after the Malzieu, facing the Haute Truyère dairy cooperative, take the crossroad on the left, D1, direction Mialanes, lajo.
Cross the village of Montruffet (malzieu-fairground), pass the pass, then the barracks of Trinqual, cross the crossings of the vialette, the crossing on St-Alban (which are both on your right) and 500 meters to your left, a sign indicates: Fraissinet, Mialanes, the Dukes, take the direction. (Do not go to Lajo)
After crossing Fraissinet and Mialanes, you arrive at the Dukes.

In the direction North South, exit 32 (AREA OF LOZERE) the Guard direction The Malzieu-City by the D70 then the D4.
In the Malzieu-city follow the indications above
Or exit 33 Saint-Chély d'Apcher and in st-Chély d'Apcher, direction Malzieu, Saugues, Le Puy.
In the Malzieu follow the indications above.

Coming from Lyon, direction St Etienne, St Etienne direction Le Puy en Velay
In Puy, direction Saugues, at the exit of Saugues, direction Malzieu -Ville.
In the Malzieu, follow the indications given above.