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Chambres d'hôtes Le Home Dives Cabourg

4, impasse du Vignet - 14520 COMMES
GPS : 49.344418 (49°20'40" N) / -0.723907 (0°43'26" W)

Take Bayeux, direction Port-en-Bessin
In Port-en-Bessin 1st roundabout turn right, 2nd roundabout turn right towards Arromanches
In Commes, you go past the church, climb the coast, you pass in front of the laundry on the right, the town hall on your left, the village hall, the Bouffay bus shelter station, you turn left, straight to the path of the hunt (3rd street on the right) in front of the iron gate you have the road sign hunting then 150m left you have the sign Home Dives Cabourg, 3 impasse du Vignet.
There are three houses this is the middle house. You have arrived …