Tel : +33 6 28 16 77 30
Janine et Claude - Combrichon - Del Pino

Chambre d'hôtes Florilège - proche Villefranche / Limas

131 Chemin du bois Faguin - 01600 SAINT-BERNARD
GPS : 45.945637 (45°56'44" N) / 4.740633 (4°44'26" E)

Arrive at your destination without difficulty!

Nearby -> Direction to take

Coming from Trévoux, from the East:

Take Route de Trévoux (Route de la Grande Séglière) then at the roundabout at the entrance to Saint Bernard
Take the 1st right (Avenue des Helvètes) and 200 m further on the right the "Chemin du Bois Faguin".
The house is at the bottom of the dead end facing the road.
Arriving from Villefranche-sur-Saône then Anse, to the West:

Cross the Saône bridge (Route de Saint Bernard)
Cross the village of Saint Bernard (Avenue Valadon)
Then, at the roundabout at the exit of the village, take the 3rd exit on the left (Avenue des Helvètes) and 200 m further on the right "Chemin du bois Faguin".
The house is at the bottom of the dead end facing the road.
Arriving from Villefranche-sur-Saône then Jassans, to the North:

Coming from Jassans, arrive by the D933 then at the roundabout take the 1st right (avenue des helvètes)
Then 2 km further after the speed bump take the 1st left "Chemin du bois Faguin"
The house is at the bottom of the dead end facing the road.